
Save Ukraine Now

We provide humanitarian support to thousands of people affected by the war

We are charitable foundation that brings together business and local government


Humanitarian catastrophe

Since February 24, 2022, tens of thousands of civilians have been killed in the Russian army during active hostilities, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have been left homeless, and millions more are waiting for help with food and medicine under mortar fire and air strikes.

People remain in such big cities as Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mariupol, Sumy, Zhytomyr, Irpin, Energodar, Berdyansk, Bucha, Nova Kakhovka, Skadovsk without food, without medical care, without vital medicines.

To immediately support Ukrainians in need during the war, Ukrainian mayors, Ukrainian philanthropists and friends of Ukraine from around the world decided to establish the Save Ukraine Now International Charitable Foundation with the participation of the world's largest companies.

Since the beginning of the active phase of the war, the Russian occupiers in Ukraine have destroyed dozens of cities, killed thousands of civilians, left millions homeless, and left hundreds of thousands homeless.

Affected cities

The Save Ukraine Now Foundation is in close cooperation with local authorities and businesses working in the affected cities.
That is why we know exactly where and what help is needed


Today we support thousands of people humanitarianly

Provide priority provisions

Looking for medicine

Help to find evacuation vehicles


Our Partners



Click on the “Donate” button and financially support hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians who are waiting for our help right now. We direct funds to targeted assistance to residents of affected cities in cooperation with local authorities, so we know exactly where and what assistance is needed.
We are not just a separate group of volunteers, we are a whole team formed on the basis of large international companies operating in Ukraine and having a certain reputation.
You can view our activities in the news block or on the fund’s Facebook page.
The main purpose of the Foundation is to directly support the people who remained in the zone of active hostilities, food, medicine, evacuation, including medical, transport.

SaveUkraineNow © 2023